The Back Bone of the School: Uchi-Deshi

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The word Uchi-Deshi means “inside student.” Traditionally it refers to a student who lives at the dojo, helping as a full time assistant. We use it to refer specifically to a certified black belt instructor who has gone above and beyond, consistently helping us with anything that comes up. All three owners of the IMAS were Uchi-Deshi before advancing to Renshi, Kyoshi, and Hanshi.

When we say that Uchi-Deshi are the back bone of the school, we mean that they can run classes on their own. They can be counted upon to be there when needed They have the moral character and magnanimity to represent our ideals. They are the first people we turn to when we need a goal accomplished. In the words of our instructor, “they carry the flame of knowledge forward for the future. they embody the notion that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”

Earning a black belt is about your personal journey in Kenpo. It’s about your growth in the martial arts. Becoming an Uchi-deshi is about teaching, community, and leading by example. We can put them in front of youth and adult alike to showcase the benefits of training. It was our distinct honor today to bring two more members into the fold.

Mark Somerville was one of the first adults to learn karate in our old Merrimack program. His dedication is unmatched. After earning his black belt he began teaching classes in our Nashua school, and soon became one of our key instructors. His heart and work ethic are inspirational to others. His humility and dedication to improvement are contagious.

Timothy Philbin is a force of nature. His moral character is stronger than any punch, and a shining example of what a person can be. He is self-reflective, humble, and also possesses a work ethic that is far too rare. Though still a young man, he possesses a wisdom far beyond his years, and provides excellent input into matters both the dojo and beyond.

The Independent Martial Arts School cannot function without the men and women who lead by example. The Uchi-Deshi are the backbone of the school, and a stronger and straighter backbone you’ll not find anywhere. It was our honor to convey these titles to them. We are better for their presence, and thankful for their dedication.

Written by Hanshi Marsh


Stronger Together


Fair winds and following seas